Reduce, reuse, and recycle. How much easier can it get when efforts to save this planets ecosystem are right outside your door? Michigan in its self does its best as a state to put forth the effort needed to make a difference. There is much more to recycling then just paper and plastic. Businesses in Michigan work towards a greener future taking recycling out of its paper and plastic ages. Electronics are a huge part of our lives now but what happens when the devices we use on a daily basis stop working?
Michigan’s government system realizes that cell phones and other electronics ending up in our landfills is just as concerning, if not more, as paper and plastics. The chemicals leaking from these devices ends up in our soil, poising the ground we plant our crops on and the sources where we get our water. By working together Michigan and its recycling companies such as GLR (Great Lakes Recycling) are changing the outcome of this planets future. When it’s easy to do why not give it a try? Recycling can be the easiest way to make a difference.
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